GenerativeComponents Help


Returns the first member of the given list that satisfies the given function, or returns null if none of the members satisfy the given function.

object Find(object[] list, bool function(object member,
...) selector, ...)

How to use it

a) One line format:

int firstNumberOverTwo = Find(intArray, function(int x){return

b Multi-line format

function findFirst(int number)
	return number > 2;
int foundValue  = Find(list, findFirst);


A) Find the first item in the list that is greater than two

int list = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
int value = Find(list, function(int x){return x>2;}); 
// value = 3

B) Finds the first Point in the list that is closer than a certain distance from another selectorPoint. The selectorPoint and the distance are passed in as extra arguments.

Double distance = 3.0;
Point[] pointList = {point01, point02, point03, point04};
function findFirst(Point pt, Point selectionPt, double
	return Distance(pt, selectionPt)  < dist;
int foundValue  = Find(pointList, findFirst, selectorPoint,